Saturday, July 11, 2009

Funeral Arrangements

The funeral for David Chaim ben Yehudis will be held at Sholom Mortuary at 9 AM Sunday, July 12th:

Shivah will be observed at 30725 Davey Jones Dr. in Agoura Hills.

Hours are 8-noon, 2-5pm and 7-9pm.

Shacharit will be at 8 am, and mincha/mariv at 7:45 pm

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi All,

Thank you so much for your love and prayers. We will continue to need them through this difficult time. Grandpa passed at about 1pm today, on the 17th of Tammuz 5769, July 9th 2009.

This is Molly's Bat Mitzva last summer. Picture taken by Erica. Grandpa always was one for unique hats.

Here are pics of Grandpa with Gramma and Elliot, also taken by Zack at Noah's bar mitzva two years ago.

The Agoura Hillbillies Weigh In

David is a man of few words. He chooses is words carefully, seldom wastes them on chit chat, and when he does say something, you can be sure he mulled over it for a good long time beforehand. Indeed, he has a tendency to analyze all things in life, from the mundane to the great complexities of life. How many people can argue the merits of a good running shoe, and then switch to discussing nuclear arms without missing a beat? I have learned from David that all things in life matter. I always make sure to rinse my can opener after using it, even if just for a can of corn. (G-d forbid David should catch you hurriedly stashing away a used can opener.) I will always thinkof a hand when I arrange my flowers. Even now, in Israel, while hanging up my washings on the clothesline to dry, I think "What would David do?" I imagine David would have a formula as to which would be the proper way todrape the clothing, in order to achieve maximum dryness in the shortest time. I just bet he would. And I would have welcomed his advice.One day we will organize a book chalk full of Davidisms, sort of like Hints from Helouise, only much more realistic.Thanks, David.Love,Linda.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks for all the emails asking us to continue. We will gladly do so.

Grandpa just had morphine for the first time since 5am this morning. He is much more peaceful, but seems to be recognizing less. Joe, Rochel, and baby are here, as are Zack and Wink. Sam gets in at midnight. We love him dearly.
Hey--we totally don't mind and enjoy doing this but please post a comment or start following if you want us to keep writing. Thanks!

Isn't it fun to try on Gramma Tammy's wedding dress?
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Evan's Duck Rabbit

We all know how much Grampa loves the duck rabbit. Evan drew this amazing version--it lives on Gramma Tammy and Grampa's fridge.
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Here is Grandpa sitting up in is favorite chair. It took a lot of maneuvering and he was only able to sit for a couple of minutes, but it made him happy!
Here is a picture of Grandpa and Uncle Jonathan taken by Zack. Grandpa has been wanting to sit up all morning, so we got his special chair which once belonged to his parents. It took Uncle Joe, Coby, and the helper Marie to get him up. Now he is sitting peacfully while Joe is rubbing his shoulders. This morning Grandpa has said "good morning" to me (Anna) and Bayla, and he called for Joe this morning. It is very important to Grandpa that he is wearing a hat like in this picture.

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Facebook Zack Socher's Photos - Wall Photos

Coby and Grampa

David and Tammy raised four amazing sons, and they are doing a pretty darn good job of raising sons themselves. Here is Coby, with Edan on the speaker phone, telling Grampa they love him. Edan said he wished he could be here--basically impossible with his new job. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
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Bayla Plays With Grampa--re-post

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

976-Phil, or What's Your Philosophy?

One of David's publications:

David's Duck Rabbit

HI Anna,

Very sorry to hear about the latest turn of events. I wish I had more
guidance or wisdom to offer to help ease the sadness, but I don't
think anyone really has the answers on how to battle the grief and

I do think you should know a few things about your grandfather: I
remember David as a young man in his 30's, when I was little boy. He
was always a kind, decent man, devoted to Tammy and proud of his sons
(if you can believe it, there was only Abe and Jesse back then -- Sam
and Joe weren't even born yet!).

Also, he was always open and embracing to me, taught me many valuable
lessons about life, and gave me a lot of well-needed guidance. For
that, I feel both grateful and indebted to him and the entire Socher

He was always very proud of you, and the grandkids. You all remain a
great source of pride and strength to him.

These are trying times, so it is good that you can be there to support
your parents and Grandma. Lemme know if I can help in anyway. I'm
planning to visit in 2 weeks.



Bayla Sees Grampa

Gotta love little kids--when Dalia and I saw Grampa this morning, it was sad, and we hugged and cried. When Bayla saw Grampa, she laughed, goofed around, did her waving bit, and generally brought good cheer.

Please keep praying for David Chaim ben Yehudis.

I am sitting with Grandpa now, as Gramma Tammy sleeps upstairs. I have very specific instructions from the hospice nurse. If Grandpa takes more than 25-30 breaths a minute, it means he needs more morphine. If he starts moaning or making uncomfortable sounding noises, call the hospice hot line. He is having trouble swallowing so we have cheek swabs which we dip in water or juice, and rub in his mouth. Then we gently touch his cheek, and throat telling him to try to swallow. Although this is hard, I am personally glad to be here.
Hi All,

Grandpa is on morphine but the nurse says he can hear everything even though it seems like hes sleeping. Trying to walk in there and be perky and go in and say hi and give him a kiss every few minutes.

Tuesday, 10:31

David had a very rough night. Tammy and Abe sat up with him all night long. He asked Abe to say Shema and Vidui with him.

By the early morning hours, he fell back asleep, and Tammy crawled in the second hospital bed to catch some much needed sleep. After she drifed off, David made an attempt to get out of bed, and somewhat fell over, right on to the bed. I (Shosh) came over and helped get him situated on the bed. Tammy was afraid that he'd had a small stroke, but he did open both eyes.

Hospice nurses came, and are taking care of various components, checking breathing (labored), dosing morphine, etc.

More updates later.